Share your story with us.


“We are lawyers fighting for people, pursuing justice, and making communities better throughout the entire state of California.”

“We are lawyers fighting for people, pursuing justice, and making communities better throughout the entire state of California.”

Contact us to set up an initial consultation

Depending on the case, we offer various ways of ensuring you have access to affordable legal representation. We take cases based on the strength of the case and not on whether a parent or guardian can afford to hire an attorney. We take most our cases at no costs to a family.

Step One: Fill out the intake form

Use the form below to tell us about your legal inquiry, and we’ll call you back to explain the next steps. Please be as detailed as possible. To help us best serve your inquiry, we recommend that you first describe the issue you’re having before telling us what you want to achieve. Our general response time is one to two business days.

Step Two: Gather important documents

Please note, Snyder & Shaw receives case inquiries throughout the entire state of California. Because of our reputation, we are often inundated with new client inquiries. To help expedite your case review, please be prepared to provide us with the last two years of IEP documents and the most recent assessment conducted on your child. If you need help getting these documents our staff will assist once the online intake form is completed.

Person Seeking Consultation


Snyder & Shaw LLP

3220 S. Higuera St. Suite 220

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401


Phone: (805) 439-4646

Fax:     (805) 301-8030